Supporting Our Community through Hockey
Conway+Banks is all about delivering the finest quality goods to hockey players and fans around the world. When it comes to being a good citizen of this humble small planet, we do everything we can to give back to our community.
A portion of profits are donated to charitable organizations every year!
We Contribute To:
Easter Seals Kids, a non-profit organization that helps kids with disabilities succeed. Funding to Easter Seals provides mobility and accessibility equipment, summer camp experiences, scholarships for post-secondary education.
Canadian Red Cross, the Red Cross helps and communities in times of need and support them in strengthening their resilience. Specifically, we contributed to the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal.
Hockey Helps The Homeless, a charity based out of Canada. Hockey Helps The Homeless Partners with 50+ Homeless Support Agencies to provide housing, meals, and support to those in need. Since 1996, HHTH has granted over $24 million to face-off against homelessness.
We also provide discounted products for all sorts of fundraising activities, including Make a Wish Foundation via The Wish Cup, and numerous local team events.
Reach out to us by email if you're looking to raise money for your community, or if you are a non-profit organization looking for support!
Updated December 13, 2024